"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."-Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pastor Terry Jones

            Pastor Terry Jones plans to have an international burn a Quran day at his church in Gainesville, Florida, on 9th anniversary of 9/11. He believes that Islam is the devils religion and that the Quran only leads individuals to hell fire so thus he will burn it in the fire because that’s where he believes it belongs. Also interestingly enough another protest Pastor Jones is leading is against Gainesville Mayor Craig Lowe for being a homosexual and taking up a leadership position. This man I believe is a Christian extremist who needs to realize several things about the United States especially. First of all in the US people have the freedom of religion, meaning that anyone can practice any religion they choose, even if it means they choose to worship the devil. That being said he also needs to educate himself about religions before he starts falsely accusing them. Islam does not teach its followers to be violent but in fact the opposite, it teaches one to live in peace even with their non-Muslim neighbors. It is those Muslim extremist that have interpreted the Quran wrong and believe it’s necessary to kill non-Muslims. But why should the Pastor criticize them if he himself is a Christian extremist, this is quite hypocritical. Secondly in the US people have the freedom to be any sexual orientation they choose. What sex you prefer does not prevent individuals from living the American life and pursuing happiness. Although these events have affected the Pastors happiness, they are rights to every citizen to practice any religion and sexual activity they preferred. From these two examples it’s evident that the Pastor not only has a strong hatred for Islam, but in fact he despises anything that is not Christian. The Pastor’s dreams of a conservative Christian U.S. is intolerable especially since this is “home of the free”.

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