"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."-Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Theory

Anti Muslims feelings didn’t just spring up out of nowhere, they had to evolve over time especially to since it’s still a growing sentiment amongst U.S citizens. The 9/11 attacks hurt many individuals emotionally, mentally, and physically. People started affiliating Muslims with terrorism because the terrorist that attacked the U.S. where extremist Muslims. To cope with the wounds of the attacks many people accused all Muslims of supporting terrorism and thus they became subjected to hatred throughout the country. Although this is where the majority of Anti-Muslims feeling developed, there are many factors contributing to its spread.  Islam is a misunderstood religion that is believed to be primitive and promotes irrational violence; it is also seen as a political ideology, in which Muslims are using to gain military advantage. The key theme here is perspective. Depending on one’s perspective Islam can be peaceful or violent. Islamophobia for example has developed a negative perspective of Islam. Another factor that has caused an increase of anti Muslims feelings is politics. It’s known that political leaders throughout history have used peoples’ fear of Islam to campaign for themselves. For instance the Republicans who tend to be a pro Christian conservative group use anti- Muslims feelings to persuade the public that Islam is an evil religion that can be controlled by the republicans if they were to be elected. I believe that a good way to stop anti Muslims feelings in the U.S would be to start by stopping falsified information regarding Islam. Educating the public with the true teachings of Islam will eliminate all the misleading stereotypes that are widely believed in our society.


  1. I agree with what you are saying here. I have see how many politicians try to play off people's irrational fear for Islam and its people. People are never going to be able to get over this fear when they have high powered oficials feeding them biased information. I feel that it is detrimental for people to become more informed on the Islamic ethnicity so we can stop the wrongful stereotypes that have been formed.

  2. I agree with the assertation that because of 9/11 Anti-Muslim feelings began to grow exponentially. Although it is wrong, it is human nature to clump things togeather in times of great suffering. For instance, say a guy cheats on a girl and the girl finds out. The girl instantly thinks that ALL guys are cheaters and shouldnt be trusted. It is the wrong way of thinking about things but its just how it is.

  3. Yes mosqueman2010 this is a similar parallelism is which the "guy" would be a Muslim who was radical and committed a terrorist action, and the girl would be those individuals who affiliate all Muslims with terrorism due to the actions of one person. This is unfair to rest of Muslims to be judged based of the actions of someone else but it is what people tend to do and the only way to end it is by making a conscious effort not to group people together under one big title.
