"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."-Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Monday, November 1, 2010

Self Analysis

Throughout my blog I was able to grow in knowledge of my topic of the expressions of anti Muslim feelings in the United States. Although I am a Muslim living in the United States, I didn’t realize the extent of which anti Muslim feelings are expressed until I researched the topic and found many events that expressed these sentiments. In the beginning of my research I thought that ignorance was the cause for this prejudice against Muslims, but after researching the issue I learned that there are many factors that have caused people to feel a hatred towards Muslims, including to a lack of education that I had thought to be the only factor. Some of the causations of this feeling are political influence, fear of an unknown religion, believing in misleading stereotypes, and the affiliation of Islam with terrorism. Being from a Muslim community did have an effect in my biased thinking in the beginning of this blog. It was challenging to talk about the hardships and hate crimes that my community faces without emotionally favoring one side of my argument. After I did a lot of research I learned how to minimize my natural biasness by supporting all my arguments with evidence. Throughout the blog I tried to approach this issue by addressing the problem and provided examples of expressions that have been caused due to anti Muslim sentiments. I then provided some reasons to how these feelings have developed and attempted to address these causes with hope of ending them. For example, one of the causes was a misunderstanding of Islam, to help individuals better understand this religion, I wrote a post solely about Islam. I was able to achieve addressing my blog in this manner because of the research I conduced that not only allowed me to gain more knowledge about facts but also to gain more incite from what others thought about this topic.

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